Today I dress myself for life:

- I put on the armour of light,
who is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

- He is my belt of truth
safe-guarding me from deception.

- He is my breast-plate of righteousness
safe-guarding me from condemnation.

- I fasten on my shoes of the gospel of peace,
so that I am prepared to be
both an ambassador of
and a witness to
the Lord Jesus Christ.

- I cover my head with my helmet of salvation,
to protect my mind from delusion and confusion.

- I take up my shield of faith,
with which I put out every fiery dart of the enemy,
because the Lord is my shield
and my exceeding great reward.

- I take a firm grasp of the sword of the Spirit,
the Word of God,
which is living and powerful
and which is sharper than
any two-edged sword of accusation.

- I put on
the new person I am in Christ,
because He clothes me
with His garment of salvation.

Today I Dress Myself for Life
© Grace Philip, 1999
used by permission